Four simple ways to kickstart positive changes
Image: Glinn/Dreamtime
In the midst of change from one season to another, we so often get a little of “both and”. It’s 90 degrees and the wind is howling and knocking down trees. It’s back to school time and the schools are quiet as children take on the new world of online school.
Change is like this. We get a big dose of the new, and slide back into a little of the old. New. Old. Until the shift is complete and we are deep into the new thing.
Autumn, in particular, always seems to be a time for a whole lot of new. Even in times of constant change, this season can be a time to revitalize, to get back on track or launch on a new track altogether.
What is it that you want to begin this month? Is there something in your life that needs a jumpstart? Is there a new project that you can harness new fall energy to tackle?
Whatever is on your plate, here are four simple ways to tap into that seasonal energy and run with it:
Answer the question “what’s working and what’s not working?”
If you haven’t had much time and space lately, the next few weeks might be your best opportunity to carve out a few minutes for a breather – at home and at work – and ask yourself what you would like to have more of, do more of, have less of and do less of. Do it now, before October is in full swing and the next thing you know, we are deep into the holiday season and the fourth-quarter crunch.
Take one step towards that goal you put off all summer.
You know the one. The one that matters, but that you didn’t take much action on all summer. That one. Or maybe the one that you started thinking seriously about but have yet to take next steps on. Start with one step, one that you can reasonably accomplish but that is big enough to give you a sense of momentum once it’s complete. Savor that accomplishment. Then pick another step. Visualize what it would look like to make serious progress by year’s end.
Pull out that vision of yours and see what’s coming next. Start on it.
If you’re not clear on the larger vision that you have for what you’re working towards, now is the time. If you do have a vision, is it front and center in your daily life? Have the events of this year prompted you to revisit it? Evaluate what have you’ve been successful in creating so far, what’s in process and what’s next. This is a great way to eliminate drama in decision-making or time management: it’s either a part of your vision, or it’s not. Don’t have one yet? We can get started on that together.
Send yourself back to school.
Sign up for a class, buy a book, learn something new. Like the kids in my neighborhood, I am “back to class” this fall (remotely!), learning even more about neuroscience, happiness, balanced leadership — areas I am passionate about sharing through my coaching work. It’s great creative practice, too, to open up your learning to areas outside of your usual focus. For me, I’ve been focused on investing, history and using the InstantPot. What would it look like for you?
Reach out and tell me what you’re doing to revitalize your work and lifestyle this fall. Or what you’d love to do and what’s in the way of making that happen (let’s see if we can’t get you around those pesky obstacles).